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Growing Veg & People

Not just a community garden! Growing fresh, organic vegetables and fruit, teaching invaluable gardening and growing skills, gifting the produce, and providing an essential outdoor space to get fresh air and improve mental health. The garden is in the early stages of development, so watch this space for how things grow!

Growing Veg & People

How it began... and how it's going


Growing Veg & people transformed a concrete area that has been derelict for about 15 years into a growing space. Growing food and biodiversity are vital to us as humans. The project improves opportunities for local people to grow their own food; learn new skills; taste fresh produce; build friendships; space to relax.... We aim to Grow Veg and People by growing veg outside in the community and with people in the community. 

​Our recycled plastic bottle greenhouse, gathering 1000x 2L plastic bottles is almost finished. This will help people in this growing season, give a little shelter and opportunity to grow seeds. Easier to get hands into soil this way – small steps but amazing to watch the results. Two locals involved in set up and throughout these startup months many walking passed said they are pleased the derelict land is being used and asked about the developments and later the veg.


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West End Impact is a registered charity managed by Christians from Morecambe Community Church & other local Churches, helping people in need, giving advice and guidance and support through our various projects and services

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4-10 Heysham Road

© 2024 by West End Impact

Reg. Charity Number: 1153736

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