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Well Being Wednesdays

Our next Living Life to the Full courses:

with Rachel:

Registration day: 25/09/2024 9.30 - 11 am

Course start: 2/10//2024 9.30 am

with Emma:

Registration day: 4/09/2024 9.30 - 11 am

Course start: 11/09/2024 9.30 am


please call 01524 888929 or email Rachel or Emma to register.

On Well-Being Wednesdays we run ‘LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL’, which is a 10-week Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) based course for people suffering from depression, stress, anxiety and low-mood.
The course is popular with over 250 people attending in the last 3 years. We usually run two courses concurrently with staggered starting dates, to reduce the waiting list. The course is followed by lunch and our INNOVATE art therapy group. The combination of courses, social interaction and art has proved successful in building relationships to assist people in moving forward. Periodically we offer a therapeutic drumming session in partnership with More Music, which is really well received.
Over 80% of the people starting the 'Living Life to the Full' course complete it. The ones who withdraw are starting work or college or CBT is not as useful to their more complex mental health issues, and we refer them on to other services.
We evaluate the living life to the full course using the NHS PHQ9 form, measuring people's severity of depression from 1-27 (27 being most severe). The average entry score for clients is 19, which is moderately severe and warrants active treatment with psychotherapy, medications, or a combination.

On completion of the course the average score drops to 11, mild, with the NHS suggesting using clinical judgment to determine necessity of treatment. This is significant improvement, especially as we have reduced our waiting list to 5 weeks, whereas there can be a long waiting list for other psychological help.

The courses we run in local primary and high schools are aimed at children whose severity of depression does not qualify them for Children Adolescent Mental Health referrals. On average these courses halve the entry score of around 13-14 to 6-7, particularly significant for children entering their GSCE years. The local GP, the Job Centre, Key Employment and many other services often refer clients to this group as they have seen the amazing results, however anyone can self-refer to the course, just give us a ring, send us an email or contact us through social media.



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West End Impact is a registered charity managed by Christians from Morecambe Community Church & other local Churches, helping people in need, giving advice and guidance and support through our various projects and services

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4-10 Heysham Road

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Reg. Charity Number: 1153736

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